Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Beach + Trip

My Dar Amily said wanna go beach desperately. **Same here. XD
I told her next time we could go together. 
And I'll be the DRIVER. Cause she's getting more and more lazy to drive.
Hahahaha...And since I like to drive nowadays, so I'll be the driver. :P

Tomorrow she's going to Genting with her college's friends. *Envy
I wanna go for a trip too. Now is my turn to be desperate.
I wanna go TAIWAN..
Hopefully I can go in the end of this year. *Cross Fingers
Money Money Money come~~~ 
All go into my pocket, so that I can save lots of money and go for a trip. 

TAIWAN, wait for me!!!!! :P


  1. hey dar ,
    must go beach at least once this year
    okay okay ?
    n n n
    i wana go taiwan too
    lets book cheap d air ticket n ming shu stay ~

  2. air ticket needs ur help lo...
    min shu i can check from online or ask my taiwanese's friend to help me find. :)

  3. no problem 1 .
    lets plan it then ~
